Thursday, June 30, 2016

Business: Don't Let the Water get Stagnant - tips for the learning organization

We are an output society. Education has taught us this. From the time we started college, for instance, we push out assignments. One after another, just to get it done, whether we truly understand what we're doing or not. A common phrase in the scholastic world is, "I'm good at BSing."

So we morph into a society that's more about the doing than about the understanding. And so do our organizations. At some point many of us shut our brains down and are no longer learning new things, but rather going off of what we already know.

Therefore the question lies, how do we mix up the stagnant water? How do we keep moving and culture learning organizations? I came up with a few tips that any one of us can either initiate or start practicing, in order to help keep our schools and work places moving in a healthy direction.

Tip 101:
Be question-friendly. Show that you can both be asked a question and can answer one for someone too. This is huge. Many people either in school or in the  workplace get stumped on something with a simple solution all because they are afraid to ask a question. We're afraid to appear dumb in a smarter and smarter world. So laugh a little about your mistakes, and in the process say what you've learned. This will help a shy person feel that you are approachable and they may come and ask you a question.  Maybe there's even some things you've thought you should ask your boss recently, but then you told yourself,"No, I'll just figure it out." Well, why not go ahead and ask?

Tip 102:
Out with the old, in with the new. Talking about what's new, trying out new fads, new technologies, and new health options can really help make the workplace more exciting. When a work culture is too sedentary, it does not encourage learning and change within the organization. But showing a coworker how you utilize your android phone for organizing and planning, sharing how your new version of software has really improved your job, or how your new desk chair has really improved your back posture, can help your organization overall to stay up to date.

Tip 103:
Read books related to what you do. One can always improve and learn more.Have some fun with this and don't treat it like a college textbook that you want to avoid. There are many good, creative books out there with tips for a healthy workplace, and you are a big part of what gives your organization its own culture.

Tip 104:
Inspiration is key. This is a co-partner with things such as a creativity, innovation, invention, etc, so do what it takes to stay inspired. Maybe it's certain people in your life that inspire you, a nature photography hobby you do on the side, or traveling to a place you've never been. Whatever it is, take some time between your work and personal life to stay inspired.

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